17 Mar 2021

It's a huge plushie bundle!

 Something a little different this time. Instead of a huge doll bundle, today I picked up a huge Plush bundle instead lol. 

It was free, but collection only a fair trip away (two bus rides hahaha) but I haven't left the house in so long it was an excuse to go outside. 


So, can you see what I saw from this photo of the bundle?



And here they are! An adult Raccoon (wave 7 I think) and a baby Wavy Stripes (who paradoxically actually has spots so.... yeah) 

I only had 2 furbys as a kid, a first wave "Witches cat" (the black one) named Kah Dah and a sixth wave "husky" named Maymay. The wave 7s aren't hugely common to find and this one is a colour called "raccoon" which is kinda odd as it doesn't look anything like a racoon but whatever. It's mostly a silvery grey with a striped darker grey belly, a two toned grey and black striped mane abd white ears and feet. This one has amazing eyes, they're extremely vivid blue and sort of shiny, quite a bit more bright and alive feeling than the older style eyes. It looks like the wave 7s used a combination of these new bright eyes and the old style ones. Random.

The beak feels to be somewhat lighter plastic and doesn't actually close fully which seems to be a design flaw in the newer (presumably cheaper) material. 

This lil' guy wasn't working when I put new batteries in. He still had old coroding batteries from 2000 inside but they don't seem to have done any damage. New batteries and a good beating around the head several times got the motor to turn over and hey presto, he started to babble away! 


This one tells me they're called Mee Mee or something. They can be a bit hard to understand.

Lil baby is a 3rd wave Baby in a colourway called Wavy Stripes despite featuring no stripes and no waves. In fact, this furby has leopard spots in a sort of teal colour against a peachy orange fur. The belly is white, as are the feet while the ears are aqua and white and the head tuft and tail are both aqua. 

He has regular blue furby baby eyes which look so much duller and darker alongside those bright ones of the Racoon. 

Now, poor lil' baby furb had a lot more trouble booting up. Whacking it around the head repeatedly made the motor and gears turn but while he'd turn on and start to talk, he'd stall and start making a wierd grinding noise as the gears stuck. I rebooted, shook him a bit, tried to jiggle the gears by sticking things into the gaps around his beak and eyes but to no avail. In the end I took to forcing each part individually. Ears, eyelids, beak, to try to get it unstuck. This seemed to help. He'd talk for a bit, freeze and manipulating his eyes to finish closing or his beak to close would move the gears on enough for him to continue normally for a bit before hitting another freeze and the same thing needing to be done. 

Unfortunately it seems forcing the eyelids has caused them to come a bit loose, they weren't really moving properly anyway but now they don't open or close at all suggesting they've come off their gear at least partially. 

After several reboots, several more whacks and more forcing of the gears he finally froze completely and the only thing that brought him back was an almighty smack across the back. That caused him to go into boot up mode, where the motor tests everything (the startup dance I think it gets called, it's the series of movements all furbies do when first waking up. Blink, mouth movement, ear movement, tip forward and back etc) but he got stuck in a loop of this. Over and over and over. Which meant things had got stuck in a different way. I rebooted him and he froze a couple more times but by now far far further apart than earlier and then, miraculously, the freezes stopped and he ran through a good ten minutes of solid interaction. He even sang me some songs. 

Which is honestly stinking adorable.

Apparently this furby's name is May Lah... I think. 

I think the gears had just become jammed after years of being in storage and needed some time to sort of warm up. But I still think he could probably do with being skinned and having his internals examined, gears greased and eyelids reattached to whatever they've come off of. 

So, ultimately, these two are the reason I took two buses to pick up this bundle but let's see what other goodies we got shall we?

So this girl wasn't in the original photo, the seller just added her in because they are trying to clear stuff out. 

She's a Lisse doll from a German company. she's about 18 inches tall, cloth bodied, vinyl limbed and has sleep eyes. 

Her hair is extremely soft. 

I have no real idea how old she is. Back of her head says 2016 which could be a date. 

She is cute though, but definitely NOT my thing. 

She's wearing a home made knitted dress which is pretty cute. I can't find much info about her unfortunately, there's a few on ebay but that's all I can find. 

These are both Gund bears. The bigger one is named Bonkers according to his tag and the other one has no name but is dated 1993. They're cute. 

tiny bears! There was I think another one of these but husband was playing with them and i'm not sure he didn't just nick one of them already. But they're so small it could have just fallen behind the sofa. Who knows.

Look how tiny it is! 

This lot are Marks and Spencers baby toys. The giraffe rattles. If the charity shop was open i'd donate these. 

This Keel toys rabbit is marked "patchfoot" which seems to be the name of their easter bunny toy who comes in a lot of variations presumably depending on the year. This particular one is crazy soft and has high blushing on his cheeks which is extremely cute. 

There's also this wonderful lounging fellow. He's marked 24k Polar Puff 1991. 

It's Figment! The mascot for a long since defunct Disney Epcot ride. He's a cutie. 

more baby toys. The yellow... dog? rattles. 

Small super soft bear with no useful tag or label. It's soooo soft though. 

The one of the left is a gund bear with HUGE weighted paws while the scruffy looking one is an "aurora" toy made of Soy fiber and stuffed with something called kapok. He's very soft and he smells quite pleasant but he looks really scruffled up. Still, it's a very interesting idea. The label explains what he's made of and how almost all of his creation is supposed to be sustainable and ecologically sound (though he has standard plastic or glass bear eyes so.... yeah... ) 

this thing looks OLD. It's a pyjama case shaped like a leopard. It has a metal chain collar which is unusual and bright green eyes. The construction of this thing is very vintage, it's stuffed with something firm rather than the soft stuffing of modern toys. 

Being a pj case (least I assume it's a pj case) it has a zip that opens up and inside is a fabric lined pouch. 

A beanie baby goat, Monkey from the PG Tops commercials and a mc donalds Eeyore. More stuff for charity shop. 

The Irish girl is a souvineer doll that I believe is called something like Bridie Beag. She seems to have a polystyrene ball inside her head. Go figure. 

The other doll is an Ikea rag doll from a line called Vänna (swedish for friends?). It looks like each of them had a unique name but i can't find this girl. I can find white dolls who look like her, a black boy, one in a rather erm... culturally inappropriate native american outfit... but not this one girl. Go figure.

She's about 18 inches tall and kinda flat. She has yarn hair and a very simple face. Her underpants are sewn as part of her.

These three bears are ALL OshKosh B'Gosh, which is a children's clothing shop known for their overalls. All three bears wear said overalls and the bigger ones also have neckerchiefs. They're all very different styles which is a bit confusing.

These are both Jellycat who make goooorgeous but quite expensive toys. 

I'm not sure if the white thing is a cat or a ferret or what.

It's got like.. beanies in it and it's wierdly elongated and i'm kinda confused by it.

The dog is wearing shoes... and the legs bend. I don't know why. The bird is a buzzard or... something? I'm not entirely sure what sort of bird it is actually. I couldn't identify it.

This bear is labelled Moulin Roty and the shirt has "La grande famille" but looking those up gave me a lot of similar toys but none of the bear. Go figure. 

He's got a mini bear sewn to his hand which is cute.

The panda is from a line called Gangly Gang and the bear is labelled "love hearts" which are a sort of candy. Now you'd think the candy bear would be easy to track down right? But nope. It's officially licensed by Swizzels who make Love Hearts so i'm assuming it was probably some sort of valentines thing where it came with candy or something.

This doll is wierd. He's anatomically correct and erm... very clearly uncut <_< Someone went to the effort to make sure they sculpted that foreskin. 

He's a Gadir doll, but that's all I really know. Google search brings up a lot of similar dolls. 

this guy sucks his thumb, though he has highlighter pen on his hand which i'll need to try to clean off. 

He has scary eyes. I don't like it.

Long plush snake made of soooooft fabric. I'm keeping this, removing the tags and wearing it as a scarf.

A bush baby plush with giant hands lol. Made by Fiesta, it's a really well made toy and looks brand new.

 And also a chicken... it's tiny and has a hard box inside which makes me think it once made noise. 

It's... wierd.

There were also a couple more baby toy plushies and a random character from a cbeebies show but I forgot them when I was taking photos. Oops?

What's wierd about this bundle is they span decades. There's stuff from only a few years ago and stuff from the early 80s as well. it's bewildering. A lot of it I assume was from this lady's own kids who were probably 90s kids like me, but other bits feel more recent, grandkids maybe? Whatever the case, it's a bit random and i'm not sure what i'm gonna do with all of it.

but hey, I got outta the house and I got two free furbys so.... 


And I now have a huge pile of plushies to sleep on ahahahah.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, last I heard there was still an attraction at Epcot featuring Figment, though Disney fans of a certain age claim it's nowhere near as good as the original ride.
    Signed, Treesa
