3 Feb 2019

The Collection - pt 2 - Bratz Boyz

Remember this box from a few days ago?

What oh what could be inside it?

Let's find out!

It is in fact, a load of Bratz boyz!

Bratz Boyz were the first doll line I actively collected when i started collecting dolls as an adult. They have a special place in my heart for sure.

I can seldom resist picking one up when I see them in charity shops and the like and as a result I have well.. a lot. I regret nothing!

These are all Cade.

Cade is a weird one in the Boyz lineup, seems MGA could never quite decide what tehy wanted him to look like so pretty much all his dolls look like a totally different character. Some have brown eyes, some have hazel eyes, some have brown hair, some black, one is even blonde! Wth Mga?

It means he can be the most difficult to ID because it's not always clear it IS Cade.

Baseball Cade is inexplicably blonde.

He's cute, I just wish he didn't have those dumb stripes on his face. I had intended to remove them carefully with some nailpolish remover but Bratz paint is REALLY hard to get off and I don't think I have anything actually strong enough so I never got around to it.

Anyone got any suggestions? Straight acetone isn't so easy to find over here and im not sure it won't just smear everything anyway.

Motorcycle Style Cade was the first Cade ever released, he came with a motorbike which I also have.

I always thought he looked waaaay too sweet and young to be a biker boy lol. He's so baby faced!

and he has ridiculous floppy hair.

Sunkissed Summer Cade is one of my favourite Boyz ever, so uh.. I have 2.

this one is my first one and has some dents to his face caused by storing him with glasses on. Lesson learned, I now remove all the accessories before I store my dolls.

Ths is my other Sunkissed Summer Cade. He has slightly shorter hair and it means that while twins these two look slightly different which I find interesting.

I think this is "feelin cool" Cade.

He has sassy eyebrows lol.

Wildlife Safari Cade was a doll I hadn't intended to buy. I had ordered Dylan but the Entertainer sent the wrong doll and I couldn't see the point of returning him so I kept him.

He has cool spikey hair and he came with LOADS of accessories omg.

"Cool boyz" Cade is one of the few post 2010 boyz. It always made me sad they never ressurected or rebooted the Boyz line properly.

He's a nice budget boy and a cool update on the original Motorcycle Cade.

this is probably Funk Out Cade. His hair I think is supposed to be slicked back, which would explain why it's all wierd here. He's been in storage a while.

There's still a few more i'd like to add to my collection. Ahem.


So many Dylans. I LOVE Dylan.

One day i'll have Basketball Dylan. *sigh*

I can't remember what Dylan this guy was originally. He was boring so I painted him a bit for fun, just to see what he'd look like.
He has quite badly damaged flock so he was basically a junk doll to me, came in a big bundle.

He's probably Funk Out or Strut it or something.

A recent addition, this is Sunkissed Summer Dylan. Look at his blue eyes! they're so stunning!

And I LOVE the few Dylan's they gave curly hair to.

I think this is Formal Funk Dylan. Again, curls! yesss.

I dunno why the camera is picking up white on his face, my camera is wierd.

Original Dylan with some uh.. paint refinement. The first boyz (Dylan and Cameron) have totally different head sculpts to the later ones and honestly they look a bit gremlinish.

They're very strange looking dolls. I'm glad they changed the mold and the way they painted them.

Wildlife Safari Dylan. Entertainer let me down with online ordering but thankfully they had some in store so I was able to pick him up. From what I remember they were pretty cheap too, clearance stock and they had LOADS.

I loved his microbraid hair style, it's really unusual.

Tokyo a Go Go Dylan. Tokyo A Go Go is one of the best Bratz lines they ever did. I love these dolls.

Pretty N Punk was another spectacular Bratz line the Boyz got to be a part of. GORGEOUS.

Post 2010 Dylan who I think was just "Bratz Boyz Dylan" (I'm not sure they actually had a name for the line)

I found it disappointing that they gave both Cameron and Dylan flocked hair though. Lazy.

Dylan is cute though.


And his weird zombie skin tone. lol. Eitan is such a strangely coloured doll most of the time. It photographs fairly tanned but his skin is actualy a rather sickly greyish colour. I dunno why, it's bizarre.
Husband says he looks like a zombie.

Poor Eitan.

This is my first Eitan, I think he's Funk Out. He came in a big bundle with several other Boyz who were, for quite a while my only Bratz. I didn't start collecting the girls till several years after starting to collect the boyz, it took me ages to warm to their faces.

This is Rock Angelz Eitan

He has an earring!

Pretty N Punk Eitan is, for some reason, pale pink. Wierd right? He doesn't look himself at all.

I love the blue mohawk though.

I need to re-gel it at some point.

Tokyo A Go Go Eitan has blue hair as well. Which is funky.

I also have the few Boyz Kidz they did.

Eitan had silly hair that was gelled to hell but taking it out makes it a bit ridiculous. It's rooted to lay forward so yeah...

He also wears a crop top which I personally find HILARIOUS and cute.

Why do I only have 3 Kobys? THIS IS WIERD!

I think it's because Koby is generally a pretty uninteresting boy. He didn't get to feature in any of the super cool alternative lines and he often has big blue doe eyes and looks rather samey.

Still, I totally need more Koby dolls. <_<

Nu Kool Koby is one of the few Boyz i've ever had from new. He was Entertainer clearance stock too.

Old Bratz came with loads of stuff so that's awesome.

He's a cute doll, very baby faced.

While the post 2010 "Cool Boyz" Koby has grown up a bit and has softer more cornflower blue eyes.

He's a sweetie.

His Kidz doll is showing off the silly hairstyle he and Eitan shared. For some reason MGA decided MOST of the Kidz would have this exact same hairstyle, but gelled to shit into a sort of 50s thing. I don't get why.

this one came with horrible plastic clip on clothing that only clipped to the front leaving their ass bare to the wind.
What a terrible idea.

I had another one who I actually gave away because getting clothing to fit these kids that wasn't massively frilly and girly proved really really difficult and getting their hair not to look silly was hard too.

looking at it, this might actually be Cade. Yeah.. what MGA? (See what I mean about Cade having no consistant look!??)

whatever, i'm claiming he's Koby so fuck you MGA.

At least till I can get a proper Kidz Boy Koby and omg these are like fucking Hens Teeth to find.

And the Camerons!

Again I never had that many Cams because he's often kinda boring and samey looking.

Pretty N Punk Cameron has slightly pinkish hair? It's a really odd colour actually. It's not blonde, it's slightly peachy?


I think this is Funk Out Cameron but I find Camerons quite difficult to ID as so many of them look pretty much the same.

meanwhile I think this is Nu Cool.

And Kidz Cameron who's adorable.

Tokyo A Go Go Cameron is not nearly as interesting as his two companions. He just has dirty blonde hair and darker than normal blue eyes. I dunno why they didn't do something a bit more interesting with his hair, seems a shame.
He's cute but when you put him with the other Tokyo Boyz he really does feel a bit... phoned in? just not quite as creative.

2016 Metallic Madness Cameron.
I had a Hello My Name is Cameron as well but they're the same doll just redressed so I sold him.

I hate when companies do that. Like ffs, WHY!?? stop it.

He's kinda cute, even with his stupid outfit.

And then there's this bitch.

2018 Collector Cameron.

I really do love this freaking doll.

and finally the "others". Dolls that got only 1 dolls ever (Okay Bryce got like 3 but they all look the fricken same so fuck it)

Bryce has some crazy hair going on lol.

So this is actually the Movie Bryce wearing Secret Date's clothes because my Secret Date Bryce had a really badly damaged face.

He has hazel eyes and blonde hair which is a nice combo.

I'm still mad though that despite his character apparently wearing glasses in animated form he never got a doll with glasses. Wtf MGA? they do this a lot. In fact, doll companies in general do this a lot. Pisses me off. Glasses erasure man!

Iden is like a paler Koby, in fact, I decided they were totally brothers when I had them on my shelves haha.

I don't give a shit what MGA's "canon" is, they can never keep shit straight themselves so I just make my own shit up.

this is my second Iden, I have another one but he's gone missing. Jerk.

Penn in his vampire costume which is basically a cheap jacket and some guyliner. Maximum "fuck all effort" Costume props to Penn.

Gable had a similarly "fuck it" approach to costumes but I redressed him because I was going to find some black clothes for him and dress him up as Wesley from Princess Bride.

I'm sorry but he looks EXACTLY LIKE Carey Elwes and it's hilarious to me.

At some point i'll find black clothes for him and it'll be beautiful.

Brogan was the only masquerade boy who bothered to put effort into a costume. I like to believe he's pissed off with his two loser friends who couldn't be arsed.

But also... "My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die." (okay his hair is a bit short but damnit that facial hair!)

And Braden, who came in a two pack with Yasmin as part of some special Date Night thing.

He's the only Bratz to use this GIANT BODY

Also someone once told me his nickname is "the bear" (I dunno how true that is as i've been unable to find confirmation but it amuses me) so you know what I had to do right?

Don't tell me this isn't exactly what MGA intended.

OTP, totally made for each other shush.


In all seriousness, I had a bit too much fun with these two. I think they make a way cuter pair than Braden and Yasmin. I mean shit, Braden TOWERS over the girls so much it's kinda uncomfortable. He's just too big! ("that's what she said" SNERK)

Unfortunately Bratz Boyz can't really look up or down and their static arms make intimate poses a bit uh.. tricky.


And these guys who I mentioned last time.

I know there's some more missing but they'll turn up as I get through boxes. They'll have been put into whatever box was easiest to access so i'm sure i'll find a random glut of Bratz at some point during this.


  1. I got more of a Captain Jack Sparrow vibe from Brogan, but that could just be the red bandana and 'leather' coat. Kudos for the Princess Bride idea though.
    Signed, Treesa

  2. I have a deep and abiding fondness for the Bratz Boyz too, so I loved seeing your collection! :)

    I don't think I'd ever noticed the microbraids on Wildlife Safari Dylan - that's a great and unique feature!
