I'm addicted, I freely admit this. big bundles of dolls are my weakness. I see them, i cannot resist them. I get this immense urge to paw through all the random bits and bobs.
And this one is no different.
Though i'll be honest, I did NOT actually expect to win this auction.
The Ebay photos weren't overly helpful, dolls all rammed together make it hard to tell what's what but those are the ones I find most irresistible. It's the mystery you know? What I COULD see painted a really weird picture. A late 60s Sindy, an 80s Sindy, several 2000s era Barbies and Bratz and similar. This isn't some attic find, this spans far too many decades.
But what I was most interested in was the side part 60s Sindy who looked to be in pretty good condition and was wearing a pair of rare Mam'selle Paul trousers. As you all know, Sindy is a big weakness for me and the center and side parts are often very difficult to find in decent condition.
So I put in a cheeky offer for a bit over the opening bid which was rejected, put in a maiden bid and wandered off assuming i'd be outbid by someone. I mean there's several Bratz there, several Barbies and two Sindy dolls, that's three collector groups who could see something they really wanted right?
I did NOT expect to log back in a week later to find i'd won. Not only had I won, but nobody else bid!
Maybe it's the time of year, or maybe I just got lucky. Whatever the case, I impatiently awaited the arrival of my massive box of goodies.
I should have anticipated a very big box but for whatever reason when it actually came I was still shocked by the size of the box. But it was full to the brim with STUFF.
First, and bulkiest, the horses.
I was never much into horses, but a lot of my female friends growing up went through that horse girl phase. Supposedly little girls love horses, so horses for dolls are extremely common.
This bundle is a bit odd though in that it has a very old 70s Sindy horse, a 90s Barbie horse and a 2000s Sindy horse.
One of these is not like the other.
Also, can you guess which one is the Barbie horse?

This isn't Sindy's first horse, but it is the one most people think of when you talk about "Sindy's horse". This and the grey dappled one which uses the same mold.
It's a very flimsy feeling toy. It's hollow and lightweight and i'm genuinely shocked so many of these things survived because just touching it I feel like it's going to break. The seams along the body have come apart from it being knocked over and the legs feel like they'd snap if you ever dared try to play gallop. It's a CHEAP feeling horse and this one was clearly well played with judging by the scuffs and scratches all over it.
The head is sculpted with an open mouth for the bridle which makes it look a bit perturbed.
But I will say that despite being cheap feeling, it IS pretty well sculpted and is a good size and shape for Sindy. Pedigree Sindy stands with her shoulder at about the same height as the horses' shoulder, which looks to be about right from the pictures of real people and horses i'm looking at.
The OTHER Sindy horse is this palamino, who has a perpetually startled expression. This horse was, I believe, sold as part of a vet playset made by Vivid Imagination around the turn of the millennium.
It is a substantially more chunky solid feeling toy, one that I feel far less wary of handling.
The sculpting is again, pretty decent but for whatever reason this horse has huge worried looking blue eyes. Again it has the slack jaw sculpting for the bridle which looks pretty goofy when it doesn't have one on and contributes to that look of worry the eyes give it.
But it is ultimately a pretty nice doll horse as far as the things go. It's a little small for the taller Vivid Sindy dolls, but doll horses are always underscaled. Hasbro and Vivid Sindy stands with the top of her head around eye height on the horse which feels off. Pedigree Sindy stands with her shoulder just a little below the horses' shoulder which means it's ever so slightly taller than the older horse and quite a good scale for her.
and then there's.... this.
Mattel gonna Mattel right?
While Sindy got relatively realistic horses, Barbie has had a parade of fantastical looking, tiny pony sized things. I'm sure she had a few horses that at least attempted to be realistic back in the day, but each and every one of them looks to have been frightfully tiny in comparison to the doll herself with Barbie TOWERING over the poor animal.
This one is no exception. It's tiny, like really tiny. The top of the head is about shoulder height on Barbie. The legs look too short and the neck too long. Now, i'm no expert on horses or ponies, but I am a stickler for scale and when Mattel markets something like this as a "horse" for a Barbie doll it PISSES ME OFF.
It wouldn't be so bad if they just went "fuck it, it's a pony" but it's not, this specific toy is I believe the "crystal horse and carriage" set from 1992
Specifically it's marketed and advertised as a horse. And don't get me started on the fact it's glittery and PINK. Seriously, it's coated in glitter.
I think this is why I have always preferred Sindy. She and her accessories have always been far more grounded in reality.For the most part everything she had was scaled and coloued realistically for whatever was fashionable at the time.
Barbie on the other hand often has a lot of weirdly scaled stuff that's usually either pink, glittery and fantastical or somewhat cartoonish and very very plastic looking. Which I guess appeals to other people but isn't my vibe.
I love realism in my doll accessories, tiny realistic things delight me.
Pink glittery plastic ponies do not.
I couldn't even be bothered cleaning this thing properly or trying to brush that horrible nylon hair. the plastic has texture that bothers me (it's the glitter) and the hair feels gross so i'm just shoving it back in the box and ignoring it.
At least it's not flimsy feeling like the first Sindy horse though. That thing is really shitily constructed.
Moving on.
First up, the Bratz!
In the auction picture I only spotted 4 Bratz dolls, so the other one was a surprise.
We have Genie Magic Jade (with all her hair cut off), Rock Angelz Roxxi, Sleeping Style Jade wearing part of her stock, Holiday Cloe who I already dressed in some clothes I had and Skateboarding Cloe wearing clothes that came in the bundle (I don't recognise that top at all)
Holiday Cloe looks bored in real life and it sort of amuses me. She gets to stay simply because her slightly irritated blank expression makes me laugh.
Her hair is an unusual silvery blonde colour, quite pretty.
Skateboarding Cloe's had a bad haircut. I can't quite work out what the owner was going for because it's short in some spots, long in other and just generally a mess. I did what I could to salvage it because she has a really lovely face. I'd rather not have to reroot a hard headed doll.
These three are going to be rehomed. Genie Magic Jade is a bummer though because she's really beautiful, but as I said, I don't want to reroot hard headed dolls so she'll go to someone who can.
Roxxi's hair is not pleasantly textured, being kinda crimped, but it is all brushed through now. And I think Jade's hair still has the original elastics. I didn't want to mess with it so I left her alone.
What I think is fun about Genie Magic is the henna markings they have up their arms. It's a cute little touch that makes them stand out.
So far we're at 5 dolls and 3 horses.
There's also 3 Moxie girlz. They're heavy so they're early ones, before MGA cheaped out and made them shit. I don't need more Moxies though, and I don't know precisely which ones these are beyond Lexa, Avery and Sophina.
Their hair is messy as hell and I don't have the energy to deal with it. Moxie Girlz have horrible hair. I like them, but I hate how shit most of their hair is. It's dry and very prone to frizz.
Another surprise was this My Scene Nolee and her little Mcdonalds companion. The dress she's wearing was also in the bundle, but its only label says "made in china" so i've no idea where it's from.
This is Nolee goes Hollywood and she's extremely pretty.
Her hair isn't the best but she's got a fabulous face.
Not so fabulous (to me at least) is this Diva Starz doll. I find her head really offputting.
This particular one has permanently attached sunglasses and tinsel in her hair.
No ears, but earring holes. Wtf?
Here she is alongside a Barbie to show her proportions. The body looks similar to Barbie, but isn't quite the same which I find interesting.
I don't know if she works, or indeed what her electronic gimmick is supposed to DO. She has a speaker at the back of her head so I assume she talks or something. Frankly, I think i'm happy not knowing.
11 dolls so far.
Now the Barbies. These two are staying.
Fashionistas Swapping Styles who's body will be a nice donor and I Message Barbie who i'd never seen previously.
She's a very unique looking doll not only because of her microbraids but her makeup and the way her eyebrows are painted. She's a very unusual doll and i'm kinda shocked she was a playline release. This specific one doesn't actually look entirely like the I Message Barbie you see online though. Her eyebrows are darker, the eye liner is darker, her lips are fully plum with no red and she's missing the shimmer layer on her eyeshadow and lips. Some sort of variant? An EU release? Who knows.
She's pretty spectacular though I think. I'm going to even out her eyebrows and see about getting her a better body.
I don't know who this Barbie is (Really Rosy maybe?), but what I DO know is there's two of them that look almost identical and this one has a chunk of heat damaged hair.
it's difficult to photograph but this chunk here is melted. I suspect someone was trying to straighten/tame it using a flat iron that was too hot. This hair feels like kanekallon which doesn't take heat well.
These are all 2000s Barbies except Christie and the talking one. Go figure.
Generation Girl has had her hair hacked short and has chewed fingers.
then we have the twins. One has slightly darker lips but their eye makup is identical making me think they are in fact the same doll.
Then we have Twirling Ballerina Christie with her hair cut (her hair was in fact FULL of glue. Some creative so and so had glued little foil stars and flowers into her hair and it took me hours to comb all that shit out.).This is the only pre 99 Barbie here, she was made in 1995.
She's an interesting one because she has the gynmast articulated body but with added ankle joints and molded ballet shoes. She also has a pink headband rammed into her head which a little knob thing would have slotted into to "twirl" her.
I think the first girl might be Rapunzel, she has a hair grow gimmick or rather, she once did.
Big ol' hole in the top of her head, presumably for the extra hair.
And a small hole in her back which looks like a tail slots into it lol. I assume this is part of the hair grow mechanism but I can't find anything online that shows me HOW the whole thing is supposed to work.
She also has a chewed hand. Ouch.
The next one has awful hair. This is memory hair of some sort. Basically, it's full of little white wires and they feel disgusting, they look disgusting and I hate everything about this doll's hair.
What the hell were Mattel thinking?
She also has chews.
Some talking Barbie who lost her head. Lol.
Her head is squished too and her hair sucks. I stole her pearl necklace because why not? I think she might be Princess Bride Barbie, which means she doesn't actually "talk" but rather makes "schwing" noises that are supposed to be the magic mirror or something. I don't know. Why the doll makes mirror noises and not, oh, I don't know, the MIRROR is a bit beyond me.
Mattel just doing Mattel things I suppose.
These three are later Generation Girls, using the sized up head. I don't know why Mattel decided Barbie needed to have a big head but it is what it is and remains the case for now.
They're probably mid 2000s as the Fashionistas and all the 2010 era Barbies all used this head.
This one has a stupid gimmick. She's some pet parlor dog grooming doll so one hand holds the tiny dog and the other arm uh... pats/washes/brushes the dog?
She has this big lever in her back and when you push it her articulated arm SLIGHTLY moves up and down. And I do mean slightly. Like it's a pointlessly subtle bit of motion that i'd argue adds nothing at all to play and if anything actively hinders it because she has a fucking huge lever sticking out her back and one arm stuck in the most awkward bent pose.
But Mattel aren't done with questionable gimmicks. Oh no.
We've also got THESE.
Princess what's her face and her magical rotating skirt.
See, her skirt is three panels that have some sort of hard panel inside and they're all mounted on a spinning rod.
Spin her back crank and her skirt panels all fly up and spin around and smack her in the face or get stuck and need to be manually switched.
And the end result is a plainer version of the skirt.
WOW... that was so worth the excessive engineering. Couldn't have possibly just had a double sided skirt you could turn inside out. Naaah, that's pedestrian, gotta have the smack you in the face expose your entire cooch to the party gimmick.
(in fairness I do think she was supposed to have an underskirt but still. This gimmick is fucking stupid and it barely works anyway)
She also has a little button in her hand which I ASSUME lights up her necklace.
And then we have this fairy who's gimmick is equally stupid and pointless. She's Mariposa Catanina if anyone cares.
She does have an interesting face though. But her head is rock hard with glue. She's from the Mattel glue era and while her hair isn't sticky yet, it's kinda hard in places and her head goes crunch and crackle when you squeeze it. ew.
Anyway, her gimmick.
You see, she has these tendrils of plastic attached to her belly and when you press the diamond on her belly button they flick outwards like wings. What are they for you ask?
They thread into little sleeves in her skirt and when you press the button they make her skirt flare open more revealing the pattern.
yeah... that's the whole thing. The doll herself cannot be redressed because those plastic rods are attached to her body and her upper half has a massive fairy wing backpack grate
And now, the backpack thing doesn't have a similar gimmick. I thought it might, where you pressed it and the wings folded out but nope, it's just there to hold the hinges for the wings which can be folded down and out of sight.
so here we have a doll that utterly fails at being a fashion doll because she can't wear anything other than the clothes she came in.
slow clap for Mattel right there.
like seriously, what does this gimmick ADD? You could have had clip on fairy wings for the "secret fairy" reveal like so many of the fairytopia dolls, hell, i'm sure you could have if you really had to have them foldable, made the mechanism be more inside the doll's body rather than a huge ugly backpack. And the skirt thing? Who's asking for that? What kid is going "man, I really wish my doll had crotch tentacles so her skirt could go floop when I pressed her belly button".
am I just that out of touch with what it is to be a little girl?
because seriously, this is dumb and I hate it.
I fucking hate gimmicky dolls because 9/10 the gimmick takes away from the doll's playability. Gimmicks quite literally undermine the very thing they claim to be "enhancing". This crap enhances nothing except the price point and ultimately, after the first few skirt floops it's gonna get discarded as the novelty wears off and/or the flimsy plastic rods inevitably snap.
Lame. Next.
There's 14 Barbie dolls here, which puts our total doll count up to 25.
Now we have three Vivid Imagination Sindy dolls.
You can usually tell Vivid dolls apart from Hasbros because they have rock hard heads and absolutely no markings on their heads. They usually just have the sindy logo on their back.
First I want to show you this travesty of a doll. When I first picked her up I thought she was just damaged but as it turns out, she does in fact have all her hair.
They just didn't root much of it to begin with.
this is just disgusting.
Her hair feels unpleasant too, it's coarse and dry and frizzy. Her fringe is completely fucked from the frizz. But this style says to me that she must have been rooted for a very specific hairstyle. it's too thin for a high ponytail, doing it like that leaves her with bald patches and it's so thin it looks odd. So it must have been a bun right? it's the only style that leaves her hair looking normal thickness.
Another absolute travesty is this girl. Proving it's not just Mattel who were huffing the bullshit in the 2000s.
this is mermaid hair flair sindy or.. something. Her hair has been cut but what i'm more interested in is who the fuck thought "i know, a sand castle head cap for a crown!"
Her ENTIRE scalp is plastic. This hat thing doesn't come off, it's molded to her head.
it looks stupid but it also means she can never be anything but sandcastle queen.
I mean look at it. It looks so bad.
The only one that isn't shit is this girl. I don't know which Sindy she is but she has bleached arms and a discolored darkening torso which is a fascinating blend of chemical reactions. Her hair is beautifully soft and while not very thickly rooted, is at least covering her entire damn head.
She's wearing a dress that came in the bundle which is a Barbie dress from the 90s Date double fashion packs. It is also really soft.
Action man/GI Joe and similar.
This guy is a Lanard figure, Ultra Corps "striker" or something. What's bizarre is that he has a molded top and boots but fabric pants. Who's decision was that? So bizarre.
While this is a GI Joe figure. What's odd about that is that i'm not even sure GI Joe was SOLD in the UK. they were produced as "Action Man" here and usually have "hasbro international" on their backs while this guy has Hasbro's whole US address printed on him. I did some searching and found someone on Ebay selling one of these guys with his original backing card which DOES say "action man". But what's interesting about this ebay auction is that his dogtags still say "GI JOE" suggesting that unlike the later Action Man releases, they were literally just sticking unmodified GI Joes into new boxes with the alternate name. Go figure.
His name is "Stalker" which I am... honestly not sure was a great choice. But it is what it is.
I kinda love how PISSED he looks.
The hat is original to him but the vest isn't. Sadly the hat kinda stuck to his painted hair so took a bit of it off when I tried to remove it.
He also has a rather gnarly stab wound. The piece I think is rattling around inside him but I haven't managed to find it yet.
And his toes have been chewed off.
Honestly seems rather appropriate for a GI Joe/Action Man to have "battle wounds" like this lol.
But these early 90s ones are not the action man I recognise. They're significantly burlier than I recall with massively disproportionate rubbery arms and hands bigger than their heads!
On the same shaped hyper buffed out body is this guy. Now this guy's face looks like the Action man I remember from childhood, but he's still on that strange almost cartoonish body.
And this one has "eagle" eyes.
The lever on the back of his head makes his eyes move left and right and it's goofy and amusing to play with.
Holy crap look at his back muscles. That sinewy look is so uncomfortable. Just... eeew. Talk about unattainable body standards. Damn Joe, drink some water my dude. You look seriously dehydrated. You can't fight Cobra if you're dehydrated.
There were more clothes in the box too.
There's some unlabelled baby doll dress that looks Cabbage Patch kid sort of size (super wide but short).
Then we have a Barbie sized pleather and fur jacket that google lens informs me belongs to Fashion Show Teresa.
The brown top is from a Star Wars Obi Wan doll.
The pink top is a Barbie fashion pack from the 90s.
The fairy outfit is from Barbie As Pixie Princess. The corset part is beautiful, i'm tempted to take the floofy bit off so it's a bit more versatile.
There's a pair of white stockings which are probably Barbie or Sindy
a pair of underpants I think belong to a Flower Fairy
a tiny suit jacket and flared trousers which look Pippa/Dawn sort of sized.
A Sindy palm tree dress from 1983
and the 1966 Mam'selle Paul trousers from his "group gear" set.
Swinging wildly back to the 2000s we also have this Sabrina animated series doll.
She's pretty crazy looking.
Her earrings are molded as part of her head which is unusual.
And she has this barrette clip that's literally stuck into her head with little pegs. I can't get it out.
Also mermaid Dora. I don't know if she works, I don't care.
One Direction Zayn doll.
I hate celebrity dolls, I always find them to be a little uncanny valley and it makes me recoil.
A load of mermaids.
First is Simba's take on Ariel. Then two Mattel ones. The middle girl not only is a terrible likeness she also has a lot of makeup, a psychotic grin and she's had her hair chopped at the front and stained with what looks like pen.
She also has chewed up hands.
The final girl has loose elastic hips and a head full of glue. *sigh* Her hair is a bit sticky and her head is rock hard. Damnit Mattel.

Turns out they would have come with mermaid tails like this one. There was only one in the box and while most of it is rubbery plastic, age has caused parts to dry out and become extremely brittle. It started to shatter in my hand and is just crumbling. Yikes.
It looks like these were reused sculpts from Ariel's "baby sister" set which had a few of her siblings as toddlers (wasn't Ariel the youngest sister though?) but I don't think these colourful hair versions ever had names.
I couldn't find much about them though.
Our count is now at 39 dolls.
Speaking of Simba, we have a battered old Steffi Love here who's lost a chunk of her hand. The way her body has tanned while her lower legs and arms have remained pink is wierd, especially as they seem to be the same plastic. What's that about?
And how does this even happen? Ouch.
I kinda like old Steffi, she has a cute little face that reminds me of Sindy a little bit.
Like most Steffi Loves of this era, her hair is horrible frizzy and grey.
Next we have this Hornby Flower Fairy from the 80s. Yes, once upon a time Hornby made dolls. Wild huh?
I don't know exactly which ones this is because they reused a lot of base dolls just in different outfits for their line. She could be English Rose, she could be Fumitory, she could be Christmas Tree or Blackthorn or Orchid or... well you get the idea.
They're tiny little dolls, standing about 7 inches tall with rubbery arms and legs. This one had perished leg elastic so her legs were separate and floating around the box. I put her back together with some flat elastic I had which works a treat. Interestingly, the way her leg elastic attaches is via two little hooks rather than the typical loops, which makes restringing her a lot easier.
She has pointed ears but they're positioned strangely high on her head. That's... not where ears go is it?
Looks weird.
And on her back she has a little hole for her wings.
And speaking of Christmas Trees, there's also this rather suspicious looking tree topper angel.
She's a cheap crappy clone doll in a pretty abbreviated fairy dress with this foil cutout stuff as makeshift wings.
And when I say "abbreviated" I mean it. She's practically tits out!
Whether she's home made or was sold cheaply as an ornament I don't know. But I do know she's cheap as hell with a hollow body, horrible hair and failing glue holding all the bits together.
These pretty crap Christmas tree fairies were quite common back in the day, so there's every chance she was literally sold like this for a few quid.
She's pretty terrible, but also sort of hilarious. She looks SO annoyed. She's probably cold.
Two tiny little porcelain dolls. They're about 7 inches tall and very cute but also kinda hefty because they're porcelain. For a dollhouse maybe?
SheRa Stormy. Now I watched the hell out of HeMan as a kid, but I don't believe I ever watched SheRa. Probably because it was marketed as "HeMan but for girls" and I never watched anything that was marketed to girls because I always assumed it'd be twee and shit like MLP and Rainbow Brite and all the other "friendship and rainbows" saccharine crap 1980s girl media shoved down our throats.
So that means I have no real nostalgic connection to SheRa toys despite being the right age and supposed demographic.
They are strange awkward looking little figures but they have pretty nice hair.
Stormy here would have had a giant fan staff but she's lost it over the years. Alas. It's pretty goofy looking from what I can see online.
she also would have had a cape which is also lost to time.
I do like the unusual sort of greyish shade of blue they used for her hair. You don't see that colour often.
This is a Get Real Girl. They were a short lived "girls do sport" sort of line. They were this sort of pseudo feminist "action figures for girls" thing where each of them were themed after some sport. The whole thing was about healthy body image and blah blah girl power etc etc. You know the drill by now. These dolls crop up every few years, the media makes a big fuss for a few weeks and then they sink into obscurity once more. Admirable ideas, but ultimately they usually fail to make a splash because they're expensive and their themes don't call to most little girls who like dolls.
This one is called Skylar and she was a snowboarder.
She's missing a hand.
But what's interesting about this body is that while the advertising loves to go on and on about how great these dolls are to pose, her articulation is kinda weird.
Her legs are pretty good with a peanut join in the knee and a jointed ankle that can point.
But her elbow articulation fucking SUCKS.
How the hell did they manage to engineer a really good knee and then fuck up the elbow like this? this is literally as far as it'll bend, it's bullshit.
The dolls also have magnets embedded in their hands that allows them to hold stuff. I assume their accessories had corresponding magnets or something. It's a decent solution that allowed them to hold a ball or their ski poles or whatever, but it's not exactly elegant looking. Still, I don't hate it as an idea.
I also think Skylar has a really interesting face. It's distinctive. I'm not keen on a lot of the Get Real girl line because they lean a little too much into the "big white toothy grin" territory that freaks me out with dolls, but Skylar has a slightly smirky closed mouth which I find substantially more endearing.
Their molded and painted on undergarments are frustrating though. The sports bra particularly is it severely limits what the doll can wear without the white poking through. I feel her though on that front, I can't wear vests without my sports bra poking through either lol.
I've got to work out a way to get the broken peg out of her wrist and see if I can replace her hands. I think she's interesting enough to invest that time and effort into.
And finally, the Sindy dolls.
80s Sindy here needs new lashes in one eye and once I find my rooting tool and my black nylon i'll sort that.
Her hair has been cut to shoulder length but I always think Sindy suits shorter hair anyway.
She has missing fingertips and nibbled toes sadly but she's alright.
This girl is a Side Part Sindy from the late 60s. She's in pretty good condition given her age. She has all her fingers (unusual) and her original lashes (also unusual) but her hair isn't great.
She's another victim of the flat iron I think. Because the hair underneath is dry but smooth while the very top layer is shrivelled and bobbly, characteristic of heat shrinkage.
I combed and combed and combed but I couldn't get the damaged part to sit nicely, it would have worked fine for an 80s doll with a crimped electrified sort of do, but for a doll this old it wasn't a style that was working for me. Then I struck upon the idea of using the stiffness of her old dry hair to my advantage and styling it in a beehive, a style where the damaged section would actually be somewhat beneficial due to it being so inclined to stick upright.
Her headband is a piece of a modern Barbie Hammock I cut up lol. I liked the print.
Her purple shorts came with her, she was wearing them under the mamselle pants. They're a 1960s "underwear" set called Denim Underwear (who wears denim underwear? the 60s were wild) but I think they work better as a cute pair of casual shorts honestly.
The pale vinyl of her head is typical of a side part and curiously, the vast majority of both side and centerpart dolls I encounter are this platinum blonde colour. I wonder if Pedigree just made more of them blonde than brunette or red, it's kinda weird though.
She came in 4 hair colours. Yellow blonde, platinum blonde like this one, brunette and a coppery auburn.
My other Side Part is also platinum blonde, as is my centerpart.
And yes, they all have hair that fucking sucks. Pedigree used Saran for their earlier dolls but then switched to something else which dries and goes wooly. They switched back to saran after this but it means the center and side parts sit in this odd period of whatever the fuck Pedigree were doing to try to cut costs.
I'd love a brunette or a redhead, but they seem to be a lot rarer and given even the blondes are going for over £60 on ebay right now, yeaaaah, that ain't happening any time soon.
so we're at 48 dolls thus far.
Two more to add to the count. An old rubbery german strung baby doll and a Baby In My pocket. Creepy little gremlin thing this baby in my pocket thing.
I don't know if the bassinet thing belongs to it but it fits and looks in keeping so eh.
50 dolls.
Oh look, it's shitting Tanner. Barbie's poop devouring dog.
I always hated this thing.
The hole in the arse just makes me extremely uncomfortable.
The face isn't much better.
These things disgust me. They eat brown pellets and shit them out, then they can eat them again. So basically, they eat their own poop. WHY? and they are really common, toy companies LOVE shitting dog toys.
I don't get it.
Some random not dolls too.
Sack Girl from Little Big Planet. She's uh.. certainly a vibe.
Morph! He's got wires inside so he can pose and he's apparently a "desk buddy". I assume he holds your pens or whatever you want him to hold for you.
And this is a Bendo figure, and good god this thing SCREAMS early 2000s. It reminds me a lot of the groovy girls, those noodly limbs, the wired bendy thing. But these were made by a different company called "Kid Galaxy" who are it seems, still around making obscure little toys (mostly cars it seems). These weird little figures were apparently aspirational.
The press releases I can find talk about them being all about "imaginative play" and "against violence and violent toys" which is curious because I didn't really think the early 2000s toy scene was that war and gun orientated. Shows what I know right? It sounds like they were the sort of toy you'd find in those small toy stores that got all the obscure educational stuff. But they made them for years, there's hundreds of them.
this particular one is called Zap Lightening or something. What I found of his bio online calls him a superhero so uh... about that "not encouraging violence and combative play" thing....
Then we also have some playset pieces.
An old jewellery stand thing in the shape of a vanity table with mirror, a Barbie vanity and chair, a Barbie treasure chest, a coffee table that I think is actually from a Pepper Pig playset (what?), a Barbie crown "for you" and a red ribbon cordon which I assume is My Scene Goes Hollywood (did it perhaps come with Nolee?).
The treasure chest has barbie coin inside.
And for some unclear reason it also spins around to reveal a winking starfish. Uh... okay?
This crown belongs to Princess Brietta from Barbie and the magic of pegasus. I'm assuming it must have come with one of the dolls. It's child sized, so clearly supposed to be one of those "for you" extras. But I can't find anything about it on google. *shrug*
The brown bathmat is Sindy.
The pink diving stuff is from Scuba Barbie.
We have two barbie/My scene phones.
A Barbie sun visor
some random little charms that I haven't a clue what they're from
A Barbie pillow
and a blue... thing. I don't know what it is but it's lined and has an opening on either side kinda like a muff so uh... I dunno.
Does a ragdoll count in the doll count?
He's a fabulously cheerful little fellow. His hat and shirt both have Jamaica's colours on and he has yarn hair. His pants are too big, I think their elastic has failed. But he's very adorable. I wonder whether he's home made or something. I'm very curious about his origins.This is a Russ "teddy town" figure. He's made of some sort of hard plastic and is jointed at the shoulders, hips and neck. He's so detailed and exceptionally cute.
And finally there's a Sylvanian Families hedgehog who is apparently named Mortimer.
I had sylvanian hedgehogs as a child, but they were constructed quite differently to this one. This one has a sort of plastic shell piece that curves over the head and is then covered in the spike fur while the ones I had as a kid just had the fur glued straight to their heads. I remember it came loose so they were balding a bit and you could flip back the fur and it looked super goofy. Of course it's possible they weren't sylvanians but some off brand... but I don't know. Memory is a funny thing.
I also had some brown bears and brown rabbits and the fox dad.... I didn't have many, they were really really expensive. But I always lusted after the playsets which were so beautifully detailed and realistic and just pinged my "TINY THINGS!" obsession.
And MORE clothes.
two Disney dresses.
Barbie nightgown
Barbie mermaid tail
Disney Frozen mini outfit
Bratz Babiez diaper? I didn't know they made those.
A Bratz Kidz top/dress
HSM shorts (these shorts are everywhere, I keep getting them in bundles. I'm being haunted by this bloody shorts!)
a polly pocket rubbery outfit
A red check backpack that looks 1/4 scale.
and a small lightweight husky puppy.
How random.
oh, there was also one single ballet shoe in the box. Just one, in a size 3. Alas, not my size lol.
So our end count is 51 dolls or something you can argue is a doll, 2 random bendy figures, 1 video game figure, 2 dogs, 3 horses, 2 anthropomorphic animals and 25 ish items of clothing.
My maiden bid for this was £30. With shipping it was £35:20
which makes each doll/figure less than 70pence each. And that's not even factoring in the clothes or the animals.
that is ridiculous.
This is what I mean when I said I was shocked to win this bundle.
Also I can only count around 45 dolls in the auction photos.
this was the other picture (note the ballet shoe lol) which isn't exactly helpful.
I didn't mention the mcdonalds dog plush because it's modern and boring and I don't care.
There's also a lavender filled heart thing.
so random.
Of this enormous bundle i'm only keeping a few things, but i'm quite pleased with what I am hanging onto.
But man, bargains like this do NOT help my addiction to bundles!
It's a serious problem!
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