11 Oct 2019

More Charity and Ebay funtimes.

Some of this is actually stuff I was supposed to add to the last lot but I sort of forgot and it went live before I could edit.


I'm a bum okay?


i've been TRYING to be good with spending, I still have one more downpayment on this bjd layaway but man, poor mental health combined with interesting things hitting shelves after a looooong drought, it just.... it makes it really difficult not to spend money.

And charity shops are my biggest weakness.

Maybe thankfully our local charity shop doesn't get dolls in that often anymore and those they DO get in are often massively overpriced (£4 for a barbie doll? Are you crazy?) so that does rather ease the burden on my wallet.


let's delve into this

5 Oct 2019

Another stuff I bought this month post!

The real problem with buying something on preorder is the wait. You're waiting months for something you had to pay for up front, so not only do you not have the thing, you also have like... no money either.

It's frustrating and kinda stressful.

then Mattel barges in with new stuff you want and it's like "WHY!???"

it's made worse when fate decides that this is the point all those things you've been lusting after for ages should pop up on Ebay as well.

I swear the universe loves it when i'm broke. It loves to MOCK ME.

Anyway, here's the stuff I bought this month that I probably couldn't afford but whatever: