28 Apr 2018

Another random roundup.

April came and went and the two things I was saving for never materialised. Bummer.

Maybe next month.

I don't like Limited releases because they mess up my budgeting. I can't like, put them back on the wishlist because I have to get them WHEN they're released or never get them, which is highly stressful when there's other stuff tempting you and you've got limited funds.
Oh wouldn't it be nice to have unlimited cash?


I didn't go without this month anyway. I bought a few small bits here and there, and opened a few things I had laying about at long last too. So here's a random assortment of STUFF. Whoo?

9 Apr 2018

Charity roundup - Voodoo bears, art bears, Descendants 2 and more

I'm supposed to be saving up for two things this month, but I managed to sell some stuff and very little keeps me away from charity shops. I'm addicted.

So here's the secondhand stuff i've bought in the past 3 or 4 weeks.