28 Nov 2020

2020 Sindy by Kid Kreations


Back in July 2019 when new Sindy dolls were teased at Dollycon I admit, I like many others were skeptical. We'd had so many years of being told "new sindy" was happening and it being a lie. 

Sindy was SUPPOSED to get a relaunch for her 50th back in 2012-3, artwork was teased but that never happened and instead all we got was some bed sheets released only in Turkey (of all places)

I mean.. wtf?

So when we were told "2020 we'll do collector line sindy dolls!" I and many others thought "yeah yeah, we've heard this one before, play a new tune will ya?"

9 Nov 2020

it's another roundup! Yehaw?

 I don't know, i'm sick man. 

But I did order some stuff which is arriving in dribs and drabs.

Of the incoming stash I have some action figures I ordered back in JUNE (yes, june), the reproduction Sindy dolls which are due to ship at the end of the month/beginning of next month and a bjd order that won't likely be here till dec/jan sort of time at the earliest. 

And of course, waiting for stuff makes me itch for more stuff even harder.

also feeling sorry for myself makes me want to buy stuff.

funny how that happens.

So anyway, here's a brief little update of the few things i've purchased recently. There's not much because Sindy repros kinda blew most of my doll budget and dolls are getting priiiiceeeey.

but let's just do this thing.