2 Feb 2022

LOL OMG World Travel - Sunset


LOL OMG are a line that just keeps on sucking me in. I can't help it. Despite their basic cartoonish face, they have such a variety of hair styles, makeup and interesting outfits that I cannot resist them. 

There are three dolls in this line, today we're looking at Sunset. 

The box is supposed to open like a book but I didn't realise this till after I slid the tray containing the doll out lol. 

Sunset is a beautiful doll. I legit smiled when I opened the box and saw her. 

She comes with a wheeled suitcase with a handle that slides into the case like a real one. 

I was delighted to find out that inside the suitcase are two of her little accessory parcels. 

One contains absolutely teensy tiny beads for her hair.

She also has a little cat eared neck pillow. Cute. 

Sunset has microbraided hair, some of which is tied up into a big ol' bun on top. Four strands are thicker and wrapped in gold and she has baby hairs painted on. It's a really cute hairdo, though some of the strands are unravelling a little. 

Her outfit consists of a yellow flower print skirt, white slightly shimmery fishnets, a matching yellow faux tied shirt with a blue bra-like top underneath and a pair of brown tassel boots. 

She has blue shimmery nail polish.

She has gradiant eye shadow and pink lips with slightly worried eyebrows.


Also in the box are two baggies of accessories, her stand with the three clips i've still not worked ou the purpose of (what is the third one for!??), a pink brush (the most pointless accessory to give a doll with this sort of hair) and a little magazine styled like a passport. 

The yellow bag only contained a pair of sunglasses which feels a bit overpackaged. 

the garment bag contained a purple wrap with pink shimmery flowers and pink tassels. It's slightly transparent.

I'm pretty sure that is not a valid passport photo <_<

I thought for a brief moment she might have had matching bottoms for her swimsuit looking bra but alas, she just has painted blue panties. A pity, a swimsuit under her clothes would have been exceptionally cute.

I also finally noticed that in the same package as her neck pillow were her earrings and her necklace. Whoops? 

The earrings are little peace signs, the necklace is daisies.

Those little beads are really awkward to get on the doll. From her pictures on the box I guessed they were supposed to go onto the gold woven pieces but they're too thick and the ends of the hair are mostly too frayed to actually slip into the beads neatly so I had to slide them open along the little slit edge and hope the hair would slide in neatly. 

theyr'e a bit loose on her regular strands so hmm. 

and there's an odd number so i'm rather confused. 

Still I did my best.

Her backing card makes a cute backdrop for photos. 

And her suitcase is extremely cute and well made. 

I struggled to get her sunglasses to stay on though.

I really need to stop buying OMGs but I just enjoy them too much damnit. 

I wish they had articulated knees though, it'd make them far easier to sit.


  1. Adorable!
    I adore omgs. They make my day!
    I have to stop buying them too because of space. I will only adopt the ones I love the most. There are too many releases.I can't keep up and I was already not collecting all of them.

  2. LOL and LOL OMG dolls aren't my cup of tea, but I really like this girl. Part of it is the eyebrows, I think, it gives her a really adorable expression - but I also find her hair awesome (and the hair beads too! Though I'm certain those could get frustraging for little kids), and her outfit is really cute too, it compliments her complexion in a lovely way, and for once it isn't as loud&bright as many OMG outfits are.
