4 Nov 2019

LOL OMG winter disco 24k DJ

MAN this order took a while to get here.

I preordered this girl on Oct12th via Amazon.

Now this was a gamble as last time I preordered with them they "forgot" to dispatch for like a week after stock appeared for next day delivery on the site so I was pretty pissed.

But the release date was SUPPOSED to be the 26th.

So the 26th came and went, still no stock.

I kept checking. Smyths came into stock briefly then went out of stock again.
Amazon still had no stock.

the 28th came and I finally got an email "your amazon order will be delivered today before 8pm!"
awesome, I thought. I'll wait in for it.

Oh I should have known. I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN.

at 5pm after no courier showing up I got another email from Amazon. "we have been unable to obtain your order and don't know when more will be in stock."

so... what happened to "will be delivered today"?

So I got them on private chat to complain about this bullshittery. For bullshittery it certainly IS.
Waiting in for a parcel that never bloody existed because Amazon are a bunch of lying twits unable to manage their own damn preorder process. -_-

this is the third time they've fucked up a preorder for me. Yes, third.
I often wonder why I bother preordering with them when they seem to be utterly incompetent at it.

So Amazon gave me a £5 "sorry we lied to you and made you waste a day" voucher (BAH) and I cancelled the order as they had no idea when they'd get more stock (they still haven't) and Smyths DID have stock.

So I ordered via Smyths and it dispatched next day and arrived promptly the day after via Hermes (not my ideal choice of courier but oh well)

But FINALLY this meant my damn doll was here!

So after that damn rigmorale, let's see if she was worth the wait.

So first things first, this new wave's boxes are HUGE. They're slightly shorter than the first wave boxes but a lot wider with this curved lip that means the boxes won't stack neatly and must be driving toy stores insane.

They also now contain a regular LOL doll, you know, to bump the cost up.

I find 25 surprises difficult to believe. Given first wave had precisely ZERO surprises.

It also claims the packaging doubles as a playset.

I'm dubious of this as well. I don't really consider a changing room a playset.

There are... little... bead things to give a snowglobe effect and they concern me before I even start opening. Will they come loose? What is their purpose? How messy are those things gonna be?

MGA's pulling the same wasteful bullshit they did with the Bratz deluxe sets. A fur coated plastic handle, to make it look deluxe but ultimately pointless given this box is likely to be tossed away.

The back of the box is kinda... oddly laid out. All the info is squished to one side to make space for the er... crystal? Glass? Ice? rectangle.


Apparently they're having a snow party with their toddler siblings. I dunno about you but a disco in cold snowy weather with toddlers sounds like HELL.

Like the first wave boxes the pointless obscuring plastic slides away to reveal the actual doll art.

I don't understand the point of this. I just flat out don't get WHY they're pretending to hide the doll's appearance when the damn promotional pictures show the doll anyway!

It's wierd.

DJ is very pretty though. I admit, I kinda have a thing for pink hair. Which is odd because I really hate the colour pink but pink hair makes me smile. Go figure.

The box opens in two halves. The smaller section holds the OMG doll so we'll open that first. 

Inside we have the standard OMG changing room.

You know, it occurs to me that if MGA would just ditch this fake surprise crap and just package the doll DRESSED like normal people they could actually make the packaging only as big as this changing room cubicle and save loads of cardboard and plastic.

Not to mention they'd stack far better on shelves if they were just rectangular boxes.

Inside the cubicle with DJ is her stand, a brush and one plastic baggy. She's held in place with a plastic clamshell with plastic ties holding her in. *sigh*

Here's everything from that section. Stand (still with wierd extra seat piece I can't make sense of), brush which actually appears to be sparkly in this picture but just looked black to my eye (go figure), baggy from "bb decor" and doll wearing her undergarments.

The doll itself is super cute with thick curls in a sort of purplish pink tone (I'd say they're more purple than pink to my eye actually, there's definitely a blueish undertone to the colour) and big brown eyes. She has worried eyebrows, gold eyeshadow and sparkly glitter encrusted pink lips.

As anyone who reads my blog knows, I have issues with glitter lipstick and always make the Twilight vampire blow job joke. <_<
however, in person I have to say, DJ's sparkly lips don't bother me as much as glitter lips usually do. they're aren't as chunky looking and the sparkle isn't as garish I suppose. Or maybe i'm just mellowing to it in my old age.

Dj's nails are painted black, which is cool and she comes wearing a huge ring that much like old Barbies, is literally pierced through her hand hahahaha. ouch.

The band for her underwear and bra says "lol omg" over and over.

I cannot work out what her ring says, if it says anything. It looks like IG mirrored.

inside the baggy was.... her handbag which is shaped like a record.

It's pretty bulky but it's cute. It has a song list you can actually read, though not in my photograph here because I suck at taking photos of teensy things.

It's MC Swag and the album is called "Sick beats" I THINK. It's hard to read.

the four songs are

"MC Swag was here"
"baby 01"
"lil Biggie"
"like a Baller"

and it was directed by MC.... er... I got a magnifying glass out but man I cannot focus on that teensy little word. Kemmy? Hammy? Kammy? I can't quite make it out and neither can my kids.

I kinda like that it has that detail though.

Opening the other side I was relieved to find that the "snow" crap is safely contained within plastic bubbles. Though i don't understand WHY this stuff is even here. Are you supposed to remove it and piss your parents off by getting it everywhere?
It looks like little plastic beads but i'm not opening that up to find out, it'll go everywhere!

This is another "looks cool but ultimately terrible for the environment and just drives the cost up on a box that's fucking trash" decision. It annoys me.
I mean if that is plastic then fuck MGA, what the hell are you doing? That shit is gonna get into our environment and cause problems you bastards!
What the hell are they doing putting pointless tiny plasticky beads in the goddamn packaging when we've got a damn climate emergancy and banning plastic straws??!


(if anyone HAS opened this shit, what are these beads made of? Any ideas? Because unless that's fucking candy I don't want it)

For some reason the two signs are upside down. This doesn't appear to be an error as the clamshell is actually molded to only fit those things this way around.

I'm ... very confused.

Here's other DJ, the LOL version.

I don't know much about regular LOLs as I sort of gave up after like.. series 1. Blind bags annoy me and I have shit luck so yeah.

I don't know if she's any different to her original release, looking at photos of the original one I can't see any obvious big differences so hmm.

Which suggests that these are just rereleases with nothing special about them. And for any kid who has been collecting LOL a while, likely duplicates of a doll they already have.

Which is an odd decision from MGA. I mean you'd think they'd at least do them as a varient form to make getting the regular doll desirable wouldn't you?

I dunno, it's a bit odd to me. Most of the people who give a shit about LOL are already likely to have these characters. It's not even as if DJ was massively rare. She was "fancy", the second most common. (So was Snow Angel, one of the other girls in this OMG set and Dollface was COMMON! In fact Cosmic Queen is the only one who's rare, so what the hell?)

Anyway, it's an LOL doll, what's there to say?

She's fairly standard for a LOL, comes with her coffee sippy cup (lol) and that's all I can really say about her.

Behind the plastic clamshell is this er... room?

Is this the playset MGA? Because it's a tiny little coffin sized room/closet. We'll come back to this.

Inside we have two covered clothing items, a hat box and a shoe box.

The shoe box has the 6 and a half size gold pleather label. Cute.

Inside are, as promised, gold shoes.

They have a super high heeled and have little molded laces. Cute.

The hat box does not contain a hat, but rather a pair of headphones, a necklace and a pair of earrings wrapped in tissue paper.

The earrings say "d" and "j"

The larger bag contains a pair of trousers, though hilariously still has the coat hanger these cannot hang from at all. Why? just.. why?

I still don't understand the point of the coat hangers when the boxes don't contain any sort of rail upon which to HANG the hangers.

What's interesting about these pants is that while they have elasticated cuffs and a heavy REAL chain, they do not have a real pocket. Ahh, typical women's clothing then. Hah.

The smaller gold bag contains a shiny gold jacket with a white fur trim.

this is SO Bratz! I love it.

Let's dress this gal!

The removable hands certainly make this a far easier task.
I appreciate that.

However, her head is very hard and her earrings very fragile. I nearly broke the J one trying to get it into her ear hole! And I hurt my finger trying to shove it even after I warmed her head up!

Damnit MGA! now my hand hurts and it's your fault!

Also once she has the earrrings on her headphones won't go over her ears which seems like a major design flaw.

Like, she can either wear the headphones OR the earrings and what's the point of that? Also her fur collar hides the dangly bit of the earring anyway.

Basically the earrings don't really work.

I do wish the bags laid a little better on the doll's shoulders. I had the same problem with Neonlicious and her bag. It slips off their narrow shoulders and their arm can't bend enough with the bulky layers on to stop it just continuing to slip OFF the doll.
I wonder if fabric handles would have helped there? The molded plastic really doesn't seem to work too well as a strap.

Now I said we'd get back to this. THIS right here ladies and gents is what MGA thinks a playset is.

that is not a playset MGA, that's a fucking coffin.

(man this review is sweary isn't it? I'm sorry, MGA just bring it out in me)

I mean what are you even supposed to DO with this? close the lid and go "oooo snooooooow"?
because with the lid closed all you can see are her FEET.

The claim that this box doubles as a playset is... how shall we put it... absolute bullshit.

And while we're talking about bullshit, let's count the "surprises" shall we?

Let's see, let's ASSUME for a moment that i'm very stupid and haven't seen the image of the doll on the front of the goddamn box yeah?

so.. surprises..

shoes, pants, jacket, earrings, necklace, headphones, bag. That's 7.

Is the shoe box a surprise? Is the hat box? Is the outer packaging a surprise?

I'm gonna keep trying to get to 25 as promised on the packaging here.

Okay.. doll, stand, bag - 3
shoes, earrings, necklace, headphones, jacket, pants, LOL doll, cup for LOL doll - 8

so we're at 11.

Um... ring? that's 12.

Uh... Hat box, shoe box, two bags for clothing? (man this is a stretch)

Okay i give up. What the fuck are the 25 "surprises" mga? No seriously.

I genuinely want to know what you assholes are counting as "surprises" because genuinely? I count zero. That's right, ZERO surprises in this box and i'm tired of this lying fake bullshit.

No you cannot count EACH shoe individually you fucking pricks. They are a PAIR, they are one entity.
So don't you try to pull none of this "ooo each shoe/earring is an individual thing" because I swear to god I will lose my shit. More so than I already have.

*takes a cleansing breath*

anyway, DJ and er.. DJ are cute.

I mean mini DJ is an LOL doll and i'm kinda like "yawn whatever" with those at this point but I really do like the OMG. They're good quality dolls and they really remind me a lot of the old original Bratz both in terms of the quality of their clothing and the materials used and in terms of the funky makeup and big ol' noggins.

I don't even mind the baby faces because well, I collect Sindy dolls and she has a big ol' baby face too.

I think if taken without the context of the LOL toddlers you wouldn't even neccisarily read "baby head on adult body" but more "very cartoony head" and I can live with that.

Still, at £35 these are VERY expensive toys. Like holy shit they're expensive.

I would sooner pay that sort of money and get a quality product than the static molded crap Mattel and Hasbro keep shitting out sure, but it's still a bit of a shocking price tag.

Was DJ worth the wait? Well, my gripes with MGA's bullshit marketing and packaging aside, yes. She's a very nicely made doll.
I just really wish MGA would cut the crap and start packaging these like regular dolls instead of maintaining this lie of "surprises" which aren't surprises at all and just an excuse to create MORE packaging.

Just stop it MGA. We aren't falling for your crap, stop lying to your customers and misleading them and stop adding nonsense to your packaging that's just more trash to throw away.

People are NOT going to keep all these damn boxes okay? Parents aren't going to allow their kid to build a wall of freaking doll boxes. They will go into the trash! We all know this.
So cut it out with the fake snow bauble nonsense and the extra plastic and the fake fur and all that junk and just make a regular damn box that's half the size damnit!

These mixed media boxes are a nightmare to recycle anyway, why make it even harder!?

But I do like my OMG pair. They are funky little gals who are giving me my Bratz fix in an era devoid of Bratz.

I just really wish they were a little bit cheaper and can't help but wonder if less gimmicky packaging might actually help bring the costs down.
I resent paying a premium price for a BOX.

And I resent being lied to about surprises and playsets that don't exist.

But yeah, I like the doll. In case all my ranting didn't make that clear. Nice doll. But i'm still mad at you MGA.


  1. Mga is really pushing it with packing and you're right about a winter disco in the snow with toddlers being hell because small children really don't like being cold

  2. I wanna know ... Where is all the 24k DJ dolls at ? The store seem to have plenty of the others in stock everywhere 😖...

  3. I mean, I guess this depends on what you consider a playset in that while it made of cardboard like wave 1 the dressing room area is decorated and could be used as a playset and part of the OMG gimmick seems to be about that thematic nature of repurposing both that and the lounge area on the other side - as well as the box area spinning for extra play.

    I like the sliding silhouette gimmick myself but can agree it's wasteful and while adding the little sisters into the new waves is definitely a justification to hike up the price I do get them wanting to add the second doll in for these sisters of early series characters.

  4. personally, i like the garment bags and shoe/ hat boxes. there a reusable and work well for play.in terms of the box, i do keep them, but i dont get the whole series, just my favorites.i definitely like the dressing room thing, i think its creative. i also think a lot of people miss what makes them different.aside from all the waste of plastic, there called lol SURPRISE. of course no ones gonna pay a ton of money when they dont know who there getting, so there trying there best to keep the surprise theme still going. thats why its pictures blacked out, why everything is hidden, and why the dolls are undressed. as far as the "play set" piece i stand with you on that. bratz had some of the BEST play sets (my favorites were the bratz pad, runway disco, and salon n spa)but at the same time, there trying to translate the LOLs into fashion dolls, of which have a reusable plastic ball/ display with a multi functional purpose. of course, no one keeps the balls and i think thats our fault,with that they see how much plastic there is and tried to find a way to make it into a toy too, granted its a shity toy, but still there trying.but anyways, i think the surprise theme is important and i think people dont realize the OMGS would not have been a big enough deal without it.

  5. I was simply looking for an explanation as to why these are so popular when I came across your blog. THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME LAUGH HARDER THAN I HAVE SINCE THIS COVID STUFF HAPPENED!!!
    I needed that.
    I am oblivious to current toy trends as my daughter is 24 and there are no grand kids yet. Hopefully this particular fad will be gone by the time I have a granddaughter🤣
    Appreciate your humour!
