And if you can't get an idea out of your head, how do you lay it to bed?
So I contacted a few dealers in a last ditch effort thinking "okay, if it's utterly impossible then I can let it go" but it turned out it wasn't quite so impossible as I imagined.
It's going to be bloody difficult certainly, but I now have ACTUAL costs in front of me:
Souldoll: Heads only - $120 usd and $100 usd respectively. - that's about £170.. give or take plus £10 postage. 4 month layaway makes that just over £40 a month for 4 months, which I CAN do. Souldoll INSIST they aren't planning to discontinue any bodies but if they do, there's a few other companies who do a 47cm boy body and Vitos crop up for sale every so often secondhand (there's a vito body on ebay right now for £200 for instance)
But the other complicating factor was the Magic Mirror dolls.
Price on that: 610 euros (about £545) plus postage (£30ish?) so let's say £600 to keep it simple and give me wriggle room.
Problem there is that I technically need two of these (identical twins) but i'm not sure I want to invest that much without knowing for sure it'll work with the mods I have planned (minor mods but still)
So, basically I need to find as much money as possible by the end of the year.
I currently have: £253.52 thanks to lovely people buying my stuff and some saved birthday money.
So.. let's keep it going!
I'm going to be reposting stuff from the past three posts for clarity (stuff that hasn't sold) plus a few other bits I have come across in my rummage.
That means there will be only one blog you need to read in order to see right away what I have for sale. I think that might help a little as my original post kinda got lost in explanation and I feel like a lot of people didn't scroll to the "stuff on my desk for sale" part.
I am also taking commissions, which is worth noting.
Something like the examples here would be £15-20 depending on complexity.
I can draw male or female, aliens, anthro, humans, whatever. So drop me a line if you want a portrait okay?

I also am looking to improve my bjd faceup portfolio and as I need money, seems an ideal time to advertise that too. If you like my style, i'll do a faceup for £20 on MSD and SD and £30 for YOSD and smaller because those tiny heads are a paaaaaain to paint omg you have no idea.ahem. Anyway, examples below:
You'd pay shipping both ways so UK or EU based is probably the best idea, otherwise there's customs and it's all just a pain for everyone (customs is soooo expensive omg. 20% of total value including postage, plus an £8 ransom fee. Ouch)
So, those are my "services" laid out for you.
Now on to my "goods" Some prices altered and lowered so yeah, have a read guys!
Stuff for SALE:
These are
Art class abbey was an impulse buy. She's MIB. Just been sat on a shelf so the box is a bit dusty.
Disturbing unimpressed sloth robot knockoff. £2 for the lulz to someone?
Shibajuku Girl Yoko. I bought her a few weeks ago. £12.
Uh.. finger bowling. Probably 1/6 or smaller doll scale. £2
Build a Bear boots. A bit dusty but otherwise perfect. £5
BJD dress with belt. (Husband's doll looks just as annoyed about wearing it as my girls do.). Needs an iron.
Star Darling doll £6
Simba Super Model doll £5
EAH Braeburn dragon.She's a bit dusty but otherwise AOK. She might be a pain in the butt to ship though as one of her wings will NOT COME OFF AGAIN. rargh.
Beanie Baby rubber ducky - £5
Beanie baby Tweetie Bird. Official Warner Brothers store. - £5
Plushie seal bag. It's tiny (see my hand for scale) and you can only really fit like, some money in it.
I used to collect random plushie bags (I dunno why). Some of them were too small to be overly practical. This is one such bag.
Wierd little rag doll thing. She has a plastic head and a fabric body. She looks like some sort of bizarre Strawberry Shortcake clone to me. She once smelled of lemon but she seems to have lost her scent. I'm actually relieved because it was pretty noxious.
No markings and I know nothing more about her. She came in a bundle of 80s toys though.
Everything else was from the late 80s so i'm assuming she was probably of similar vintage. Who the heck knows.
She's about 12 inches long.
Big totoro plush - £8
Needle Felted bear.
this bear is gorgeous, so well made. The hat has a couple of stains. Bear is marked 7birds underneath who is an artist.
The bear has jointed arms and legs.
It's about 8 inches tall.
Gorgeous little piece of art.
£30 but willing to haggle.
Speaking of art, this is an early repainted Monster High head by yours truely.
I always quite liked this head even if the paint is a bit thick in places.
She's a repainted CAM dragon head and just needs a body and some hair.
Makies hands. Two strawberry milk, 1 cocoa, 1 caramel. These are cutie era hands, if that matters.
£3 each
Hybrid dolls.
Disney Belle clone/factory head on an EAH body - £3
Disney store Snow White on a Bratzilla body (her hair is frazzled) - £3
Barbie fairy on bratzilla body (she smells very strongly of strawberry) - £3
Moxie Girlz head on bust.
Taller Bratz doll Cloe. Hair needs some tlc. £3
Monster High furniture (I have more upstairs, I need to dig it out) - £5 per sofa and £2 for the drums.
teeny tiny doll. I think she's a disney princess. She's about 3 inches tall, if that. Great dolly for a dolly hah.
Bratz Yasmin. Beautiful. £3
"Smirky" Sindy - She's a bit loose in the waist. One of her hip sockets is discoloured, I don't think it's original to this specific doll.
One knee clicks once, the other twice.
Hasbro Sindy (gingham skirt) - Both knees click and hold twice. She has glue residue where her earrings once were (yes, they glued earrings to these dolls. What?) £4
Hasbro Sindy with missing finger. Legs clicks and hold twice. Hair is a bit frizzy. £3
Crimped hair Hasbro Sindy. Has her original (glued on) earrings. Knees click and hold twice. Some discolouration to her chest but not too obvious once she's dressed. £4
Hasbro Sindy with discoloured torso. Knees click and hold twice. Hair is frizzy. £3
Tanned Sindy. Her hair I cannot work out. It's all there, I just can't figure out what the style is supposed to be. There's two braids and a bald spot (rooting pattern is bizarre) so I dunno. Some clever someone can probably sort this out. Hair is all nice and shiny.
She has chewed feet.
White dress Hasbro Sindy. Legs click and hold twice. Hair is a bit frizzy £3
Yet another Hasbro Sindy. As the others, legs click and hold twice.
City Girl Sindy. She's on a ballerina body. Both ankles pose, one knee only clicks weakly once. Other is fine.
Hasbro Sindy again. I seriously have lost track of what number this one is now. lol.
Knees click and hold but somehow one ankle is broken (these ones don't even HAVE ankle joints so what?) and one of her hands is nibbled.
Joe 90s doll. £5
Hi Glam Alex. I dunno what happened to her original pants but these ones I think look better anyway. Go figure. £10
Secret Date Nevra and Cameron. I dunno but I think Nevra's hair might have been trimmed. She only has one earring and she has some marks on her skirt.
She is however really dang pretty with grey eyes and dark skin. She has glitter all over her arms and legs (embedded)
Cameron has a hole in the side of his head where his original glasses were stapled to his head. *sigh*
£25 for the pair.
Littlest Pet Shop Sea Lion - incomplete - £4
Littlest Pet Ship Tiger - Incomplete - £4
WORKING LPS garden kitties set. Incomplete but it still lights up! Also some sledding party pieces included. (edit: I now also have a turtle for this set! So it's almost complete!)
Knockoff or off brand pets. The toucan and seal are really nice and heavy. The penguins are some knicknack ornament and the cat thing is cheap and weird.
£3 for the lot
Fairywinkles mirror. This is supposed to come with a swan or something. I don't have any other fairywinkles stuff though. So, completer piece for someone?
Kirro kidrobot thing. £4
Mybu perfect Pair girl - £2
Kidrobot Dunny Reach - £4
Lost Kitties £4 for the pair (they have their other accessory and stickers too)
Monster high games room/ Student lounge playset. MIB. Box has been in the attic so it has wear.
Monster High creepateria playset. MIB. Has been squished a bit (see the dent in the plastic?) but contents intact and never removed.
My Scene Kenzie's vespa. The wingmirrors have wear on them (my eldest kid stole this for ages so yeah, it was toddlered. Aside from the paint on the wingmirror being chipped off though, it's still in pretty good nick.)
the back piece screws on. The piece is inside the box, I can't be bothered finding the appropriate screwdriver to attach it okay? I'll let the new owner do that.
Sindy sled. It has wheels underneath so you can push it around lol.
What's Her Face doll. She has some pen on her face that'll wipe off (I can do that, I just had no wet wipes near me when I took this photo)
She's missing a bit of her foot by the looks, which is weird. Otherwise she's fine.
Dark skinned Liv on a barbie flat foot body. Skin match is really good. She's exceptionally pretty. Just needs a wig.
Barbie skates. The purple ones are sold.
the pink ones are Barbie skates.
£3 for the Barbie skates
Large plush rabbit. Excellent condition. £5
Beautiful jointed teddy bear. Marked Boyds. £10
Yu Gi Oh trading cards. These were given out to people at the movie back in like.. I dunno, 2004 or something. I had a friend who worked at the cinema and ended up with a LOT of these.
I have 8 of these left. All open.
2 magicians of dark magic
2 blue eyes shining dragon
3 pyramid of light
1 watapon
You can have the lot for £3
Bratz Rock stage. It has a rotating platform. £2
Random tat, i'm keeping those red sandals but everything else is available.
Distorted baby doll is £2
Vintage Sindy shoes. I have 2 pairs of these, I think they fit the 60s dolls.
£3 a pair.
Charlie and Cate doll
As seen. I found her some pink shoes too.
Pullip or Blythe wig. This wig is huge, it fits the pullip but it covers over the mechanism at the back. So maybe it's more a blythe size? it looks really nice on the pullip though.
It's marked Josephina Di Venitta.
As always, email me at
Oh i'm glad you've got a chance, good luck with this! Pretty interesting just reading through your listings actually, it's like a history of toys.
ReplyDeleteI collected Yu Gi Oh cards when i was a kid, still keeping 'em for the cool artwork. And i've never even heard of Hi Glam dolls, ah the days when there were so many doll brands you could just stumble across mystery ones..
TK Maxx was a gold mine back in 2010ish lol. I remember getting old winx dolls, last wave My Scene, Hi Glam, other bizarre MGA brands, all sorts of weird crap.
DeleteI never played yu gi oh, I was more a Magic the Gathering kinda gal. I came like 8th in a tornament once by distracting boys with cookies and cleavage bwhahaha. I was the only girl and omg leaning forward distracted them SO MUCH and cookie tokens after 5 hours of playing games and having no food were awesome. "if I block that, can I eat it?" they'd ask. "of course." I replied. So they'd block my 1/1 cookie token and let the 10/10 beast barge on through and kill em because hey, free cookie.
Ahh good times.
Pretty sure my cards are in the wardrobe that's blocked by piles of junk. We uh.. haven't managed to get that door open yet <_< oops?
You placed in a tournament? Awesome! I don't really go to tournaments or conventions, but i'm going to a convention soon so hopefully i'll find some cool stuff there. I have some pokemon cards and games too, but the only thing I have a chance at competitively is Mario Kart.
DeleteWhen I was little I used to 'store' stuff by tossing it under my bed, then one day our dog got stuck under there with a half-chewed Barbie in his mouth... so everything got moved to the garage, which then decided to flood for the first time in 25 years. Still, if my childhood dolls hadn't been destroyed I wouldn't have got back into dolls so it worked out in the end!
Weirdest place I ever found dolls was a garden centre, not even clones.