26 Feb 2025

Bundles galore, and trying to be good.

 I've been trying to buy fewer dolls this year but of course, that's always easier said than done when you're a doll collector. 

Still, I think i've been doing fairly well in that I haven't been buying much brand new at least. 

But bundles of tlc dolls are my weakness, and the joy I get from bringing wrecked dolls back to some degree of respectability is worth the money. 

So today i'm going to tell you about the last few bundles i've bought, what I kept, what I rehomed and all that jazz. 


28 Jan 2025

New year, new dolls.

 So I was trying to be good for January, I was all "i'm going to try not to buy dolls this month and i'm going to try to sell more than I buy for the year ahead"

well the selling is going pretty decently... 

but the "don't buy any dolls" thing kinda flew out the window.... 

To be fair, I DID manage 20 days of no doll purchases which for me is quite a drought (I have a problem, I know this) 

But what made me break that streak? 

well let me show you.

17 Dec 2024

MORE big bundles, MORE I TELL YOU!

 I'm addicted, I freely admit this. big bundles of dolls are my weakness. I see them, i cannot resist them. I get this immense urge to paw through all the random bits and bobs. 

And this one is no different. 

Though i'll be honest, I did NOT actually expect to win this auction. 

19 Nov 2024

Random doll clothing bundles, tlc dolls and so on... oh yes

 It's time for another "stuff I bought this month but didn't want to devote a whole blog to so let's bundle it all together in one big megapost" thing. 

This month we have:

TLC Bratz dolls

big bundles of doll clothes 

fun with hybrids

and random charity shop finds.

Let's do this thing.

4 Nov 2024

Royale High - Roblox fashion dolls? What?

 So uh... Roblox... you know... that game platform with the lego looking avatars has um... fashion dolls now.

that's a real thing that exists.

and they look every bit as bizarre as you'd think. 

5 Oct 2024

Clones, heck yeah clones.

 I do enjoy a good clone doll. There's something charming about them. I don't mean the cheap copies of an existing doll just made with inferior materials, I mean the ones that actually put effort in and while clearly knockoffs, have a particular heart to them. 

and so today we're going to talk briefly about my latest acquisition. B&M Rainbow High clones. 

17 Sept 2024

Monster High G3 - Catty Noir

 She's finally here, months late but here at last. 

Let me explain.

See, Catty hit the US market back in like June? Meanwhile here in the UK her release date kept being pushed back... and back... and back. 

as it stands, as of today (September 16th) Smyths, the biggest toy retailer, STILL has no confirmed stock date for her. She's been on their site "awaiting stock" since July. 

But I managed to find a retailer who DID have her in stock at last. 

Not Argos, Not Smyths, not Amazon even. Not even Very. Nope, instead the company who got stock in first was Grattan/Freemans. Who are Grattan/Freemans I hear you ask? Grattan are a West Yorkshire based catalogue company who generally sell clothing, but have a small toy section.Freemans are their sister company following some sort of merger in 2000. Like Very/Woolworths/Littlewoods, the two companies operate near identical websites with the same stock and have the same admin and honestly I don't fully understand what the point of the multiple sites IS but whatever. 

 Not somewhere I would have thought to look. I only found this because of Google, and was honestly really surprised to see they had Monster High dolls at all, let alone having Catty in stock. 

Not only was she in stock, they had coupons which saved me some more money.


I ordered and waited about 4 or 5 days for delivery. Like Very, Grattan use Evri for their delivery and Evri is slow as shit. 

But she arrived! So let's get a look at this  new rendition of Catty Noir!