30 Aug 2024

In my defence, it IS the school holidays....

 At least that's my excuse and i'm sticking to it lol. 

in all honesty, the real reason i'm so sporadic in posting is purely down to energy levels. 

I've learned that because my energy is so low most of the time, buying dolls mint in box actually tends to result in them sitting in a pile never getting opened. Opening the doll is an extra hurdle for me, it takes time and it takes energy snipping all those stupid little plastic ties and tape and all that crap. And I just don't want to.

On top of that, I have no space to display new stuff anyway so there's this whole "well they're safer in their box" attitude too. 

I NEED to do a massive declutter but that ALSO takes energy I just don't have. 

it's like this vicious cycle. I buy stuff, then I have to make space for stuff, but I don't have energy to do that, so stuff sits in a box in the corner collecting dust and making me feel bad. 

Dum de dum. 

But what actually does help me a lot is buying secondhand dolls, because then I don't have to debox them. They arrive, I can have instant gratification and then they go in the pile. 

Problem is, they're addictive. You KNOW I love me a bargain bundle after all. 

But anyway, let me share at least SOME of the stuff i've obtained over the past few months of radio silence. 

Most of my stuff is still in boxes waiting for me to go on a mad deboxing spree but that's not likely to happen for a while. 

so in the meantime, here's the other stuff.