September 6th (apparently) marks Sindy's 60th birthday, so obviously as a big Sindy fan I had to mark the occassion somehow.
Especially considering pedigree themselves can't be trusted to do anything.
For instance, for Sindy's 50th Pedigree made a big song and dance about how there were "exciting things" coming. We got some cute artwork and a website teasing said artwork, but nothing else. In fact, all Pedigree DID do was release some bedspreads and calendars.... in Turkey.
So forgive me if i'm not optimistic this time will be any different.
But let's not let saltiness put a damper on our girl's celebration.
I decided to get my dolls out and do a little time line/retrospective sort of thing, and in the process figure out precisely which dolls i'm missing from my collection so I can have a nice strict wishlist. (how long do you think that'll last? HAH)
this is gonna take a while... we have got 60 years to get through after all.