28 Mar 2022

Ebay and other finds.

 The UK has some major supply chain issues right now, which means not a lot of new stock and what new stock there IS is either really overpriced or keeps selling out. Amazon particularly seems to be really struggling to keep their dolls in stock and it's starting to get a bit irritating honestly. 

As it stands, there's several lines the US has gotten that we're yet to see here. We haven't gotten the Rainbow High rockstars, or the slumber party dolls. We haven't gotten ANY Mermaid High which is now on wave 2 in the USA! We've not gotten Barbie Rewind either. And it's not clear if we WILL get any of these or if they're gonna end up missing us entirely.

I'd order stuff from amazon us but the rainbow high dolls are both store exclusives from stores who don't do international shipping and what Amazon DOES have is rather screwed over by the extremely high shipping and customs fees i'd have to pay on top. 

And so it means that right now i've been back to my ol' mainstay, shopping for older stuff on Ebay and various marketplaces. 

Which in itself has been slim pickings because everyone else is doing the same so prices are going up and up and up! 



Still, got some fun stuff recently so let's take a look. 

13 Mar 2022

Big ol bundle of bjds

 now this is a different one. 

See, i've mentioned before how big job lots of dolls are a weakness for me right? Especially tlc job lots. but usually that means playline dolls, cheap old toys that are only like ten to twenty quid for the lot.

Buuuut... well... 

I stumbled upon someone in the UK selling a big lot of Dollmore bjds for a really good price. She'd inherited them and wanted them to just go together for simplicities sake, which isn't an easy ask when selling high ticket items like bjds. I mean even selling ONE bjd can take forever.  As a result that "quick sale" ended up taking several months to happen. 

So along I came all "oo dolls?" 

And I fell in love with one of the sculpts which I then learned was discontinued. So then I was like "WANT!"

I also had been eyeing one of the other sculpts  for a while because she was dang adorable. 


It took weeks to organise. 5 msd sized dolls aren't a simple thing to package up and post and the seller had just had a baby which of course meant she was exhausted and distracted and I didn't want to nag her because damn, let the poor thing sleep when she can! Babies are hard work. 

But we eventually worked stuff out and I arranged a courier for her to collect. She was very nice and packaged them up beautifully for me. 

And after weeks of discussion and planning, suddenly I had a courier going to pick up these dolls and a lump sum to send to the seller and it all stopped being an "if" but "it's happening" and panic set in. 

"Did I really just spend that much money in one go?" I thought.

But you know... YOLO or whatever.