New catalogue day!
though the past few years Argos really hasn't made much of a fuss about the launch of their new lines, which is a shame because new catalogue day used to be a big event for myself and husband. It only happens twice a year, when the big restock happens (it's the fourth Saturday in January and then again in the summer) and back in "the day" we'd make a day of it. I'd hit every Argos in town, get on a train to the nearby other city and hit their Argos too as back then they used to actually get stock IN for new catalogue day.
Nowadays it seems half the stuff isn't actually due for release till weeks if not months after the catalogue launches, it's bizarre.
Anyway, new catalogue day happened and Argos' site was glitchy as heck for most of the day but while a lot of new stuff wasn't in stock, the new Fail Fix girl was.
What's nice about Argos is they do same day delivery for the same cost as any other day and I can use my Nectar points (that's a loyalty card scheme for the non Brits) for some money off.
Sadly Fail Fix as a line haven't really had much hype related to them, but I really like them so of course I needed to get the new girl.
Let's take a look at her shall we?